Randell Mills Blacklight Power 17569
About the Author Dr Randell Mills holds a Doctor of Medicine degree from Harvard and a BA degree in Chemistry from Franklin and Marshall College He began his research on the unified field theory while studying electrical engineering at MITRandell Mills Randell Mills is the founder and CEO of Brilliant Light Power Funding By December 1999, BLP raised more than $25 million from about 150 investors[2][13] By January 2006, BLP funding exceeded $60 million[10][14][15][16] In December 2013, BLP was one of 54 applicants to receive ~$11M grant from the New Jersey EconomicRandell MILLS : SunCell ~ Brilliant Light Power articles
© 2000 by BlackLight Power, Inc All rights reserved 559 THE HYDROGEN ATOM REVISITED Randell L Mills BlackLight Power, Inc 493 Old Trenton Road Cranbury, NJ 08512Design for a BlackLight Power multi‐cell thermally coupled reactor based on hydrogen catalyst systems R L Mills Corresponding Author rmills@blacklightpower BlackLight Power, Inc, 493 OldDesign for a BlackLight Power multi‐cell thermally
Imagine being able to convert water into a boundless source of cheap energy That's what BlackLight Power, a 25employee firm in Cranbury, NJ, says it can do The only problem: Most scientistsRandell L Mills, MD is a dairy farmer's son who purports to have invented "the new fire" by debunking quantum mechanics and, in the process producing the book, Grand Unified Theory of Classical Physics Scientists say he's a kook if not a con artist who has been promising a Duke Nukem Forever energy revolution for decades, with some accusing himRandell Mills RationalWiki
Electrical Power from Hydrogen to Dark Matter Brilliant Light Power has developed a new commercially competitive, nonpolluting, plasmabased primary source of massive power from the conversion of hydrogen atoms of water molecules to dark matter, theBlackLight Process 能够以非常低的成本生成大量无污染的热,这些热将代替煤电站、油电站、气电站和核电站中的热电,然后转化为电能。” BlackLight 首席执行官 Randell Mills 指出,随着汽油价格屡创新高,BlackLight Process 是大家期盼已久的突破性技术。BlackLight Power 宣布推出已可商用替代能源解决方案 美通
Brilliant Light Power has developed a steam boiler capable of a continuous steam output of 250 kW by integration of the SunCell validated to generate• Blacklight Power has a technology that is safe and 100% green where the average yearly cost to power a house would be a fraction of what it is now (only “pollution” is hydrino gas which is nontoxic in small quantities) •Claims newest discovery, CIHT (Catalyst Induced Hydrino Transition),zhydrogen Explains the basics of Blacklight Power
Blacklight Power and Randell Mills’s theory of the atom My goal for creating the website: Attract funding to replicate and license Blacklight Power’s technology I am not affiliated with Blacklight Power in any way 1 Blacklight Power Claims / Facts 2 Blacklight PowerRandell Mills Randell Mills is the founder and CEO of Brilliant Light Power Funding By December 1999, BLP raised more than $25 million from about 150 investors[2][13] By January 2006, BLP funding exceeded $60 million[10][14][15][16] In December 2013, BLP was one of 54 applicants to receive ~$11M grant from the New Jersey EconomicRandell MILLS : SunCell ~ Brilliant Light Power articles
Randell Mills, BlackLight Power Mills may be correct on many points but the Italian scientists may be closer to theoretical accuracy yet they did not come first The major early patent (Electrolytic Heater), now expired, was held by a New Jersey company – Thermacore, which worked with MillsInventors: Randell L Mills (Blacklight Power, Inc) 05/14/09 Inorganic hydrogen compounds Compounds are provided comprising at least one neutral, positive, or negative hydrogen species having a binding energy greater than its corresponding ordinary hydrogen species, or greater than any hydrogen species for which theRandell L Mills Patents
I was very curious about Blacklight Power's progress on both the SunCell & CIHT Cell (which is a type of Fuel Cell that uses water as fuel instead of hydrogen), so I sent a couple of questions to Randell Mills and received the below answers back In summary, progress on the SunCell prototype is continuing unabatedImagine being able to convert water into a boundless source of cheap energy That's what BlackLight Power, a 25employee firm in Cranbury, NJ, says it can do The only problem: Most scientistsBlackLight's physicsdefying promise: Cheap power
”BlackLight Power 现任董事 Brewer 补充道:“这项突破完全由私人资本投资,并没有政府资助。” 西屋 (Westinghouse) 前首席执行官、BlackLight Power 现任董事 Michael Jordan 说:“Randell Mills 与他的科学团队公布的突破方案将成为能源界最近50年重要的进展BlackLight Power, Inc 首席执行官兼董事长 Randell Mills 博士称:“该升级版固体燃料通过形成分数氢来释放能量,效率非常高,在将化学产品重新转变为最初的燃料时基本不需要能量。只需加热即可实现燃料再生。因此,只要使用通过分数氢形成过程中BlackLight Power, Inc 宣布,依据新形态的氢和能够实现
He has published widely and filed patents in the areas of hydrogen energy technology, magnetic resonance imaging, Mossbauer cancer therapy (Nature , Hyperfine Interactions ), Luminide class drug delivery molecules , genomic sequencing, and artificial intelligence He is President, Chairman and CEO of BlackLight Power, IncBlackLight Power, Inc, 493 Old Trenton Road, Cranbury, NJ 08512, USA Search for more papers by this authorDesign for a BlackLight Power multi‐cell thermally
I was very curious about Blacklight Power's progress on both the SunCell & CIHT Cell (which is a type of Fuel Cell that uses water as fuel instead of hydrogen), so I sent a couple of questions to Randell Mills and received the below answers back In summary, progress on the SunCell prototype is continuing unabatedBlackLight Power, Inc, 493 Old Trenton Road, Cranbury, NJ 08512, USA Search for more papers by this authorDesign for a BlackLight Power multi‐cell thermally
This was first suggested by the late Dr Robert Carroll in 1974 One of his students, the late Ronald Bourgoin, published a paper: Inverse Quantum States of the Hydrogen Atom – available on the web It confirms what Randell Mills has achieved Brilliant Light Power seems poised to enter and disrupt markets that have resisted radical advances"This is decisive evidence of the existence of hydrinos as Dr Randell Mills theoretically predicted," the BlackLight Power press release said Hydrinos are a fractional element of hydrogen that skeptics in the world of quantum physics previously said could not exist "This is smokinggun evidence of the existence of hydrinos," Dr Mills saidHarvard Tests Validate Hydrino Theory gallon of
He has published widely and filed patents in the areas of hydrogen energy technology, magnetic resonance imaging, Mossbauer cancer therapy (Nature , Hyperfine Interactions ), Luminide class drug delivery molecules , genomic sequencing, and artificial intelligence He is President, Chairman and CEO of BlackLight Power, IncImagine being able to convert water into a boundless source of cheap energy That's what BlackLight Power, a 25employee firm in Cranbury, NJ, says it can do The only problem: Most scientistsBlackLight's physicsdefying promise: Cheap power
Inventors: Randell L Mills (Blacklight Power, Inc) 05/14/09 Inorganic hydrogen compounds Compounds are provided comprising at least one neutral, positive, or negative hydrogen species having a binding energy greater than its corresponding ordinary hydrogen species, or greater than any hydrogen species for which theInventors: Randell L Mills (Blacklight Power, Inc) 08/06/09 Hydrogen power, plasma and reactor for lasing, and power conversion Provided is an inverted population of hydrogen, formed from a novel catalytic reaction of hydrogen atoms to form lowerenergy hydrogen The inverted population of hydrogen is capable of lasingRandell L Mills Patents
Welcome to the Brilliant Light Power Wiki [edit | edit source] Brilliant Light Power (formerly Blacklight Power) is the privately held company founded by Dr Randell Mills to commercialize inventions and intellectual property that are derived from his Grand Unified Theory of Classical Physics (GUTCP) The 2000 page theory claims to be the first to unify all forces and explain all physicalBlackLight Power has sent its work out for numerous tests at independent laboratories over the past several years and has seen positive results, Dr Mills said Conectiv is "really on the optimistic side," albeit "cautiously" so, said David Blake, Conectiv vice president and BlackLight PowerRandell Mills: Hydrinos (LowerEnergy Hydrogen), US
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