leaching of copper from tailings using ammonia

leaching of copper from tailings using ammonia

  • leaching of copper from tailings using ammonia 201

    02/10/2020· Copper Leaching from Refractory Flotation Tailings Xu Bai 1,2, Leaching can be divided into two types, namely, acid leaching and ammonia leaching [7,8], named after the leaching agent employed Acid and ammonia leaching are suitable for treating the copper tailings are extracted using concentrated sulfuric acid under high temperature More16/03/2016· leaching of copper from tailings using ammonia Copper recovery using leach/solvent extraction by neutralizing the acid leach liquor or by leaching oxide copper with ammonia but neither solution was economical a molecule that extracted copper well from typical dump leach liquors (pH ~18) had to be built The reagent LIX 64 containing the ketoxime LIX Copper recovery using leach/solventleaching of copper from tailings using ammonia

  • leaching of copper from tailings using ammonia ammonium

    Leaching of copper from tailings using Abstract: The leaching of copper from the tailings of Baifang Copper Mine in Hunan province in China by aqueous ammonia/ammonium chloride solutions has been studied The tailings belong to a lowgrade and highalkaline copper ore The effect of leaching time, the concentration of ammonia, solid/liquid ratio and temperature were investigatedLeaching of copper from tailings using ammonia/ammonium The main important parameters in ammonia leaching of copper tailings have been prioritized as solid/liquid ratio, leaching time, temperature and the concentration of ammonia The optimum leaching conditions are found to be: 4/1 liquid/solid ratio, 4h leaching time, 40°C, 3 mol/L NH4 +leaching of copper from tailings using ammonia

  • leaching of copper from tailings using ammonia

    Leaching of copper from tailings using The leaching of copper from the tailings of Baifang Copper Mine in Hunan province in China by aqueous ammonia/ammonium chloride solutions has been studied The tailings belong to a lowgrade and highalkaline copper ore The effect of leaching time, the concentration of ammonia, solid/liquid ratio and temperature were investigatedThe leaching of copper from the tailings of Baifang Copper Mine in Hunan province in China by aqueous ammonia/ammonium chloride solutions has been studied The tailings belong to a lowgrade and highalkaline copper ore The effect of leaching time, the concentration of ammonia, solid/liquid ratio and temperature were investigated The main important parameters in ammonia leaching ofLeaching of copper from tailings using ammonia/ammonium

  • Leaching of copper from tailings using ammonia/ammonium

    The leaching of copper from the tailings of Baifang Copper Mine in Hunan province in China by aqueous ammonia/ammonium chloride solutions has been studied The tailings belong to a02/10/2020· Copper Leaching from Refractory Flotation Tailings Xu Bai 1,2, Leaching can be divided into two types, namely, acid leaching and ammonia leaching [7,8], named after the leaching agent employed Acid and ammonia leaching are suitable for treating the copper tailings are extracted using concentrated sulfuric acid under high temperature Moreleaching of copper from tailings using ammonia 201

  • leaching of copper from tailings using ammonia ammonium

    Leaching of copper from tailings using Abstract: The leaching of copper from the tailings of Baifang Copper Mine in Hunan province in China by aqueous ammonia/ammonium chloride solutions has been studied The tailings belong to a lowgrade and highalkaline copper ore The effect of leaching time, the concentration of ammonia, solid/liquid ratio and temperature were investigatedLeaching of copper from tailings using ammonia/ammonium The main important parameters in ammonia leaching of copper tailings have been prioritized as solid/liquid ratio, leaching time, temperature and the concentration of ammonia The optimum leaching conditions are found to be: 4/1 liquid/solid ratio, 4h leaching time, 40°C, 3 mol/L NH4 +leaching of copper from tailings using ammonia

  • Leaching of copper from tailings using ammonia/ammonium

    The leaching of copper from the tailings of Baifang Copper Mine in Hunan province in China by aqueous ammonia/ammonium chloride solutions has been studied The tailings belong to a lowgrade and highalkaline copper ore The effect of leaching time, the concentration of ammonia, solid/liquid ratio and temperature were investigated The main important parameters in ammonia leaching ofLeaching of copper from tailings using The leaching of copper from the tailings of Baifang Copper Mine in Hunan province in China by aqueous ammonia/ammonium chloride solutions has been studied The tailings belong to a lowgrade and highalkaline copper ore The effect of leaching time, the concentration of ammonia, solid/liquid ratio and temperature were investigatedleaching of copper from tailings using ammonia ammonium

  • Leaching Of Copper From Tailings Using Ammonia

    Leaching of copper from tailings using ammonia leaching of copper from tailings using the leaching of copper from the tailings of baifang copper mine in hunan province in china by aqueous ammoniaammonium chloride solutions has been studied the tailings belong to a lowgrade and highalkaline copper ore get price Copperammonia Complex Chemdemos Copperammonia complex 09/04/2012· The experiments of agitation leaching were carried out in aqueous ammonia/ammonium carbonate solution, to recover copper from the flotation tailings of waste copper oxide residue The main copper minerals contained in the flotation tailings are chrysocolla, malachite, and cuprite, with the copper grade of 112% Effects of lixiviant concentration, solidtoliquid ratio, stirring speed, andLeaching kinetics of copper flotation tailings in aqueous

  • Ammonia Leaching in the Copper Industry: A Review

    Ammonia leaching was first used for recovery of nonferrous metals such as copper from oxide ores or ores containing pure copper, but gradually the use of this technology was developed from moreIn this process, ammonia leaching of sulfide minerals of copper, nickel, cobalt and iron was conducted at a temperature of about 105 °C and air pressure of 8 ATM Under these c onditions, copper(PDF) Ammonia leaching in the copper industry: a review

  • Leaching of copper from tailings using ammonia/ammonium

    The leaching of copper from the tailings of Baifang Copper Mine in Hunan province in China by aqueous ammonia/ammonium chloride solutions has been studied The tailings belong to aLeaching Of Copper From Tailings Using Ammonia The main important parameters in ammonia leaching of copper tailings have been prioritized as solidliquid ratio, leaching time, temperature and the concentration of ammonia the optimum leaching conditions are found to be liquidsolid ratio, h leaching time, c, moll nh more than of copper was effectively recoveredleaching of copper from tailings using ammonia

  • leaching of copper from tailings using ammonia 201

    02/10/2020· Copper Leaching from Refractory Flotation Tailings Xu Bai 1,2, Leaching can be divided into two types, namely, acid leaching and ammonia leaching [7,8], named after the leaching agent employed Acid and ammonia leaching are suitable for treating the copper tailings are extracted using concentrated sulfuric acid under high temperature More16/03/2016· leaching of copper from tailings using ammonia Copper recovery using leach/solvent extraction by neutralizing the acid leach liquor or by leaching oxide copper with ammonia but neither solution was economical a molecule that extracted copper well from typical dump leach liquors (pH ~18) had to be built The reagent LIX 64 containing the ketoxime LIX Copper recovery using leach/solventleaching of copper from tailings using ammonia

  • Leaching of copper from tailings using ammonia in italy

    Aug 03 2010 · The main important parameters in ammonia leaching of copper tailings have been prioritized as solidliquid ratio leaching time temperature and the concentration of ammonia The optimum leaching conditions are found to be 41 liquidsolid ratio 4h leaching time 40°C 3 molL NH4 More than 75 of copper was effectively recovered The dynamical equation of ammoniaThe leaching of copper from the tailings of Baifang Copper Mine in Hunan province in China by aqueous ammonia/ammonium chloride solutions has been studied The tailings belong to a lowgrade and highalkaline copper ore The effect of leaching time, the concentration of ammonia, solid/liquid ratio and temperature were investigated The main important parameters in ammonia leaching ofLeaching of copper from tailings using ammonia/ammonium

  • Leaching Of Copper From Tailings Using Ammonia

    Leaching of copper from tailings using ammonia leaching of copper from tailings using the leaching of copper from the tailings of baifang copper mine in hunan province in china by aqueous ammoniaammonium chloride solutions has been studied the tailings belong to a lowgrade and highalkaline copper ore get price Copperammonia Complex Chemdemos Copperammonia complex 09/04/2012· The experiments of agitation leaching were carried out in aqueous ammonia/ammonium carbonate solution, to recover copper from the flotation tailings of waste copper oxide residue The main copper minerals contained in the flotation tailings are chrysocolla, malachite, and cuprite, with the copper grade of 112% Effects of lixiviant concentration, solidtoliquid ratio, stirring speed, andLeaching kinetics of copper flotation tailings in aqueous

  • Leaching kinetics of copper flotation tailings in aqueous

    The experiments of agitation leaching were carried out in aqueous ammonia/ammonium carbonate solution, to recover copper from the flotation tailings of waste copper oxide residue TheThe application of cyanide–ammonia system to leach gold over copper from oxidised ores has been tested successfully using different gold–copper ores (Drok and Ritchie, 1997; La Brooy et al, 1991; Muir et al, 1989) However, this system in the treatment of transition or sulphidic ores gave poor gold recovery and required higher reagent concentrations (Muir, 2011) Moreover, both cyanideThe selective leaching of copper from a gold–copper

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